Tarot Tuesday - Dec 14, 2021
1: Specularite, 2: Citrine, 3: Blue Kyanite
Which card are you drawn to? Find out the card meaning below!
1: Specularite
Autumnal Equinox
Now is the time to let anything in your life fall away that is no longer useful or needed for the emerging expression of who you are. Allow yourself to gradually shed what has become burdensome and no longer congruent with your soul’s purpose. Conserve your energy by allowing yourself more rest while at the same time making preparations for the winter season. Look especially at your material possessions and be brutally honest with yourself as you discern which of these can be given away or somehow released.
Consider shedding relationships that have served their purpose and no longer viable, as well as work or a job that has become devoid of interest and passion. With release comes a sense of being much lighter, just like the trees that openly bear their nakedness once their leaves have departed and give room for whatever new Life is ready to birth following a period of quiet and gestation. So let go of whatever has outlived its purposefulness and trust that something else will take its place.
Sounds like a great time to do some cleaning - start the new year fresh!
2. Citrine
You have within you the blood of your ancestors. You are deeply connected to your lineage, the most immediate proof of that being the physical resemblance you have to your month and father and perhaps even your grandparents. Yet beyond that, although unknown to your usual senses, you are connected to an ancestry that reaches back through the millennia. This is the time to call upon those ancestors, those who are of your bloodline as well as those ancient ones who have walked the land that you now walk.
In many indigenous cultures, it is believed that the essence of your ancestors inhabits many of the physical aspects of the land. In other words, they are in the trees, the water, the air, the animals, the stones - their blood being in the very dirt and sand you tread upon.
Next time you are outside, allow you senses to open to those ancestors who abide in the physical world. And anytime at all, allow you heart to open to those spirits to whom you are related through your heredity and those to whom you are connected by virtue of the land upon which you live.
Take a moment to step outside and close your eyes and slow down a little. Breathe in the air and take a little walk without your phone or any other distractions - even if its just around your house or down the block.
3. Blue Kyanite
Close your eyes, tune in to your breathing, and allow yourself to sink deeply into the heart of the living creature that you are. As you notice your breath becoming steady and slightly deeper than usual, observe the urge within you that is begging to come forth in some creative action. Pay attention to any images, sounds or feelings that beckon your awareness; and there you will find the key as to the manner in which to express this magnificent pulse.
Your breath is the crossover between Spirit and physical reality. Breathing comfortable and steadily helps you align yourself with Spirit, which then brings a clearer focus on what creative expression preparing to be birthed through and from you. Discard any habitual through patters that would prevent the manifestation of what you are being prompted to bring forth. Allow yourself to take risks with this self-expression, and all of Creation will smile upon you.
Do you always get stuck in doing things the same way? Try something different for once! You might like it.
Disclaimer: This is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY! Card information from Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer.