Once you stop learning, you start dying.
September 1-7th is Self-University Week! Sponsored by 1989 by Autodidactic Press, Self-University week promotes and encourages life-long learning.
Challenge yourself this week to learn something new! It doesn't have to be a big effort like going back to school for a degree; there's plenty of little things you can do. Here are some of my favorites:
- Take an online course. Check out sites like Udemy or edX for classes on everything from Chair Yoga to complete programs in Bioinformatics.
- Listen to audio books or language lessons while you commute. Instead of listening to TayTay's new album on your commute, 'read' a new book.
- Join a book club. Either in real life (real people!!) or an online group.
- Visit a museum or gallery. Did you know Tucson has a museum of Kinetic Art?
- Read the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Along with that, take a refresher in Government and Civics.
- Sign up for music or dance lessons. Try out the salsa or two-step. Pick that old high school band instrument back up for a few lessons.
- Word of the Day. Look up the word of the day and make a goal to use it in conversation.
- Meet someone new. If you work in a large company, try to visit someone you don't know well. If you're flying solo, befriend someone on social media.
- Watch the opposite type of TV or movie. If you live on TLC & HGTV, watch a news channel or comedy. If you live on romcom's, watch a documentary or action thriller.
- Go see a play or dance. Pick something you wouldn't normally go to. UA Presents has a wide variety of shows.
Let me know what you decided to pursue in the comments! I'd love to hear back from you what you thought or what you learned!