10 Reasons You NEED A Boudoir Session


I’ve got a question for you…

How long has it been since you did something that was ONLY about you for you?

I’ll be right here waiting while you look at your calendar….




Struggling? Yeah, girl, I’ve got you. I struggle with the same exact thing like ALL the damn time. Everyone else first.

We’re kinda badass at coming up with a million reasons why we should do something for us. Except for maybe those shoes. They were cute. But I digress.

I talk to a lot of women on the phone and so many sound like they run from sun up to sun down and nowhere in there was time for THEM. So, what if you took a few hours for YOU?

Is the world going to end? I really doubt it.

So, let’s list a few reasons why you NEED that boudoir session.



Let’s Go…

1. You’re celebrating a weight milestone. Most of us are on the weight-loss or fat-loss train, but a few of us are trying to gain a few. So regardless of your goals, celebrate your success! If you aren’t at your goal yet, you’re still working hard and you deserve to be proud of what you HAVE accomplished. Because I’ll be honest. If I was waiting till I hit my goal weight to do a boudoir session….it wouldn’t happen. I do at least a mini session every year and every year I look different. It captures my journey AT THAT TIME. It’s not a reflection on the future. It’s just the reflection of NOW.

2. All the single ladies! I so often hear from women that they don’t have anyone to give these to. Girl, you’re a person. Give them to you! Wrap em up all nice and pretty and pour yourself a glass of wine and open them puppies up and bask in your beauty! And if you just kicked someone to the curb - even better. Capture what he’ll be missing!

3. He put a ring on it. Or she did it. Whichever. It all works. Boudoir is SUPER popular as a wedding day gift. I mean you could get them a watch or something. But….boudoir > watch. Any day. Also, a great way to a speedy wedding ceremony. (Not responsible for any surprises 9 months down the road)

4. You work hard. Life is constantly ON these days. You’re always going, doing something, being somewhere, pretending to be someone. This is like a spa day, but unlike the spa, your pictures will last WAY longer than that facial that’s gone as soon as your kid throws spaghetti at your face.

5. You’re no longer a party of 2. Kids are awesome. I don’t have anyway, but lots of people tell me that. Y’all have fun with that. Anyway, you’ve produced the next generation and unless you’re one of those crazy superhuman women…your body changed. It’s time to love it all over again. Plus, this will be 4 hours of no one asking for a snack or staring at you while you pee.


6. Blow out those candles. The other thing I hear from women is that they are too old. First, no. Second, had you done this when you first thought about it you wouldn’t be sitting here telling me “I wish I had done this when I was younger”. Weirdly, time does NOT slow down. So stop time in its tracks and let’s do this!

7. You fought. Whether its an addiction, cancer, loss, or any other traumatic event, you survived. You overcame. You might not be the same person you were, so let’s celebrate this current incredible person. Consider it an opportunity for closure on the past and opening to the future.

8. The stick isn’t turning blue. You’re trying. All the crazy positions. Perfect calendar timing. Injections, drugs, turkey basters. During it all, you might start to feel less like you. Boudoir can be a great opportunity to take a little break from all that stress and just focus on YOU. Hell, you might even walk out so confident and relaxed things might happen.

9. You’re hitting the road. You might be like…moving does not seem like the time to do a session. I disagree! First, your new place has blank walls that should be filled with your hotness. Second, you can create some amazing memories of this amazing place you’ve called home.

10. It’s Tuesday. No just kidding. We don’t shoot on Tuesdays. But really, why not? Boudoir can be a bucket list item, it can be a thing you saw all your friends do and you wanna be a cool kid. Maybe it just sounded fun. Whatever the reason, the answer is clearly, boudoir.

Now…let’s make this DAY 1 since the last time you did something for yourself.

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