FAQ's About Boudoir Shoots In Tucson, AZ
The most popular questions popping into your head.
I'm not quite 18 yet...or I look at least 18.
NO. You know people go to jail for that right? I would not do well in jail. If you look young, I will probably ask to see your ID. It's a compliment. Seriously.
My boyfriend/husband/SO wants to come watch.
NO. And NO. There will be no men at your shoot. Period. What surprise is it if he watches? Plus you'll be uncomfortable (and I'll be uncomfortable). I want your focus on/with me. I want my focus on/with you. Not other random people.
Now...if you want to do a couples session...that's a different story.
Can I bring a friend?
No. Sorta. Kinda. Look, I get it, this can be a little nerve racking, you are getting at least partially undressed in front of someone you probably just met. Now, if you really feel a friend would help, they can come for hair & makeup but then I’m kicking them out. Why? First, my studio is cozy and we use pretty much all of it to shoot so I don’t want to always be constantly shuffling people around. Second, I want your focus on/with me (deja vu!). We’re located near the Tucson Outlets and the Cortaro shopping area so they can go bum around a bit while we work.
A drink might help. Can I drink?
So getting drunk might help with taking your clothes off if you're 21 and in a bar. I don't want you sloppy drunk. You are welcome to sip on a glass of wine or a mimosa while you're in hair & makeup, BUT, I am not responsible for your behavior and actions after the session. You're an adult, I trust you to act like it.
Music? Will there be tunes?
I sure hope so. That's as long as Alexa plays nice. She can be a real pain sometimes.
So I show up and get naked?
No. Please no.
First - you only need to undress to what is comfortable at any time during the shoot. Wanna go for the birthday suit? Cool. Prefer more of a east coast winter bundled up look? Oookk. We can also do some implied nude shots without you actually getting naked. Nifty huh?
This is all private right? Everything is indoors?
Well, that's up to you. If you're totally not comfortable with it, then no, happy to keep it private. If you're feeling a bit adventurous, I have a nice little outdoor area that is currently becoming more and more jungle like thanks to the rain, we can go dance among the not-bamboo-looking-bamboo I have. My place is pretty quiet/private. I am in the barrio so there are some great buildings/doors if you do want an adventure! But I do not have a clause for being bailed out of jail. That'll cost extra.
I hate my <butt, arms, stomach, neck, toe hair>. I don't want to do this.
Well if you don't want to do it, why are you doing this? But it its one of those previously listed things, then I'm pretty sure we can work with that. There's plenty of poses to flatter everyone. And the toe hair? Might I recommend a wax?
I don't know how to be sexy.
Oh puhlease! Every woman knows how to be sexy. The key is getting you to stop worrying that you look silly. (Here's a hint...silly is sexy). I'm here to help you out along the way. I may also be known to strike a pose to show you what I'm going for. And yes, I look silly. Reality is, if you feel silly then you probably look amazing. You'll go home sore. Almost certainly. Sore is the new sexy.
Where do I get stuff for this?
I assume you mean clothing? The good old standby is always Victoria's Secret. I'll send an email as part of your pre-session info with some suggestions on where to shop....or you can just ask. I happily accept random texts of lingerie. If you're just looking for something for one-time-wear, there are several places online that you can find low-cost lingerie. Don't forget to consider something special for that special someone in your life.
You can also check out my resource page.
I am also building a client wardrobe. I'm working on organizing, photographing and posting what I have. I ask for your sizes in your pre-session questionnaire so I can check what I have on hand. If you're really stumped and want help, let me know and I'll pull some ideas for you.
What happens to my images? Gawd...what if my mom sees them online?
I assume if your mom sees them, she'll want her own session? At any rate, you will receive and initial and sign a privacy policy. On it there is a section that tells me what I can do with your images.
As for producing your images - I generally do all the editing myself. Prints and albums come from companies that are familiar with the boudoir segment. While I can't control who sees your images on that end, you are not the first or last fully-clothed, semi-naked, fully-naked woman they will see.
What if I want to do a shoot a little bit more...ahemm...wild?
Wild is good. I like wild. Please contact me and tell me what you're thinking. I'm pretty accommodating and I'm pretty open minded so you're unlikely to toss me a curve ball.
Can I have a discount?
Probably not. But you can ask. Remember - buy more save more!