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Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Oct)


Breast Cancer Awareness month is here! It's the one month in the year where we celebrate survivors and remind women of early detection! Self breast exams and mammograms are a MUST ladies! Please make sure you are scheduling your appointments with the doctor this month. You may also consider joining an organization or cause that helps raise funds for breast cancer research, helping current fighters cope, celebrating survivors courage or even consider helping women afford their mammograms. If you join a cause, we would love to hear about it!

If you are in your 40's, be sure to talk to your doctor about when and how often to get a screening.  If you have a family history, you'll likely be recommended to start earlier than those who don't.  The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends a screening mammogram every two years for those who are 50-74.  And don't forget the guys!  While less than 1% of men are diagnosed with breast cancer it can still happen so make sure to help them check every once in awhile.

When breast cancer is detected early (localized stage), the 5-year survival rate is 100%! If you are unaware on how to give yourself a self-breast exam, here is a link that will help you out.